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Beringfield, Brand Identity

360, Brand Identity, Beringfield

Brand Identity

360, Communication, Beringfield

Brand Identity

Brand Identity
Corporate Design

Beringfield is a global company with a focus on commodity flows destined for the EU, China, the Middle East, and Latin America. The key images play a central role in defining the brand identity, alongside the logo, colour spectrum, and the corporate typeface.


Building Blocks for the Brand Identity


Logo beringfield 2

Corporate Colours

Colour beringfield

Corporate Typeface

Type beringfield 2
360, Branding, Beringfield
360, Communication, Beringfield
360, Communication, Beringfield

Corporate Website

The web design focuses on commodity trading and presents the company’s cooperation partners. The concept of the website is developed with the content management system Drupal. The client is free to adopt this fully functional solution or to transfer the concept to his own environment.


Designed Responsive 

360, Brand Identity, Beringfield

Slider in the header section

360, Brand Identity, Beringfield

Content with chapter images and news slider

360, Brand Identity, Beringfield

Footer area with texts and references to important content

360, Branding, Beringfield
360, Branding, Beringfield
360, Branding, Beringfield

Content Management

The content management system employed is tailored to the needs of marketing departments. It has a variety of user-friendly editing tools that allow daily activities to be accomplished autonomously without the assistance of software experts. Existing material may be modified immediately from the website's view using frontend editing. New pages may be developed using back-end editing using templates and components.


Designed for Easy, Quick, and Flexible Changes

360, Brand Identity, Beringfield

Editing directly from the front end (blue pencils)

360, Brand Identity, Beringfield

Editing an image component

360, Brand Identity, Beringfield

Using the Media Library


Modular Design Using Templates and Components

360, Brand Identity, Beringfield

Page construction with the layout builder

360, Brand Identity, Beringfield
360, Brand Identity, Beringfield
360, Brand Identity, Beringfield

Search Engine Optimisation

Keywords may be used to improve each page for search engines. Until the page is optimized for ranking, integrated software offers clues.


Designed for Top Ranking

360, Brand Identity, Beringfield

Search engine optimization not optimized according to key words

360, Brand Identity, Beringfield

Search engine optimization optimized by keywords

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